Dear Friend, In 2008 Candace and I journeyed to China to adopt a 15 month old boy who instantly captured our hearts. Not only did his adoption change our family, but it changed our understanding of God and his adoptive love for us as His children. We fell more in love with this picture of God and with His declaration that He would be a father to the fatherless. Earlier this year, we sensed God was stirring us to begin the process of adopting again from China. One of the greatest things holding us back was figuring out how we would cover the costs of this venture. Candace went back to work (teaching for the past 2 years) and we have started our new Plexus business, which has blessed us toward our funds. Although these things have been a big help, we were not still there. That&'s where the faith part comes in to play! We have stepped out in faith to adopt not 1 but in a rare exception and blessing, 2 little four year old boys from China. Excited doesn&'t even begin to cover what we are feeling these days! We are choosing to believe that not only will God provide the resources we need for the actual adoptions but that we will be able to save all that will be needed to cover the immediate medical needs associated with adopting a child with special needs. Thank you for your willingness to support us. Chad and Candace Keck