Thank you for choosing to take a glimpse of our family, and considering us to receive a donation. We are Adam and Nicole, and are ready to give unconditional love to a child and expand our family through the miracle of adoption! Our hopes are that by learning about us, our family, and our life you will find comfort in knowing how much we want to share our lives with a child. Adam and I have always wanted a family. The only thing we have not agreed on is how many children we want…I say at least 3, he thinks we should have 2. After trying for 4 years, and having 5 miscarriages we both agree that the choice is out of our hands and that we will end up with the child/children that we are meant to have. Although infertility was very hard on our whole family, we truly believe that we are meant to adopt. Ourselves, as well as our family are very excited to welcome a child into our hearts and home so we can love and adore them! We have created a fundraiser called Keep Aiming to help us with our goal, but we only raised a fraction of the cost that we will need. We will continue to keep aiming, and do everything we can to raise the money needed to bring home a baby.