Hi everyone. My husband and I are in the process of adopting 2 sets of twins siblings. It's a long story but the short form is… We were asked to adopt the 1st set of twins then the bio mom asked us if we would also take on her 2nd set of twins. So we currently have guardianship of all 4 children and are now looking to make them a permanent part of our family. After we got the 2nd set we got pregnant with the help of doctors with our 3rd set of twins. Yup so we now have 3 sets of twins. Oh and something super cool is that all 3 sets were born on Feb 28th just different years. How amazing is that. God Definitely works in mysterious ways. We feel so blessed to be able to raise these wonderful children. We ask that if you have it in your heart to help us out then please do so. Any little bit helps. We greatly appreciate it. Thanks and God bless