Update: Lawrence Riley was born on February 21st at 1300, weighing in at 8 lbs and measuring 20 inches. He is healthy and waiting to come home to Alabama. We are very excited to be bringing Riley home soon. We have a lot of love to share, and want to give our children a home of fun and imagination, a sense of purpose, and guidance for them to find their way in life. Due to medical reasons, we are unable to have a baby of our own, and have come to realize that God has another plan for our lives. We have been blessed with our adopted daughter, Lilianna Rayne, and are very excited about bringing a son into our family. We believed in our hearts that God would one day lead us down the right path to meet a very special lady who chose to give her baby life. Rachel has always loved the quote, "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain!" We decorated the nursery with lighthouses to represent the light that shines bright in a storm. Without the rain in our lives, we do not get the beautiful rainbows. We want our children to grow up knowing they may have to weather storms, but we as parents, through the Lord&'s guidance, will always be there. We still need $22,000 to reach the required $51,000 and could really use your assistance. We are most thankful for so many wonderful friends and family!! God Bless, Lance, Rachel, Lilianna, and coming soon, Riley "Every Good and Perfect Gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of Heavenly Lights." James 1:17