Friends and Family,
After years of feeling like the Lord was leading us to expand our family through adoption, we believe this is the season and the time is now to begin this journey. We are beyond excited and humbled by the opportunity to be chosen as someone's forever family. As we walk this road and prayerfully follow His lead, we are doing everything we can to prepare and cover the legal costs to welcome a little one into our family.
The honest truth is we've really struggled with the idea of launching a fundraising campaign and asking others for help. However, after a lot of prayer and discussion, we believe in our hearts that this allows an opportunity for those of you who feel led to share in our journey. Our hope is that you will feel invested and know you played a part in making this miracle happen.
It's no surprise that attorney, home study, agency, birth mother/hospital, travel and consultant fees can easily total over $35,000, so we have set a goal of $20,000 to help with these expenses. Should you feel led to give, each amount given can be used as a tax-deductible donation.
We cannot thank you enough for supporting us through prayer, donations and by helping us spread the word. We have seen God's hand in every detail of this journey!
It takes a tribe and we are forever grateful for each one of you! Thank you!
Chad and Meredith