"I know you have big plans for your life, but leave room for the Lord. He has even bigger plans for you."
My father spoke these words on our wedding day in 2003 as he blessed our life together. Little did we know how many times we would need to be reminded of these wise words.
In 2007 our world was shaken when we discovered we were unable to naturally conceive a child. But rather than seeing this as an obstacle, we saw it as an opportunity to trust the Lord and his 'bigger plans.' We spent time processing and praying and came to the mutual agreement that God’s bigger plan for our family was to grow through adoption.
We began our first adoption journey in 2008, excited to start the process of bringing home siblings from Ethiopia. Adoption in Ethiopia was on the rise, the process was as smooth as could be expected for an international adoption and the chances of bringing home a baby was high. Two years later we brought home two healthy, beautiful six-month old twin boys. Yes - a double blessing. God's bigger plan.
Having infant twin boys we quickly learned that the challenges and blessings were not double - they were exponential. We were busy figuring out life as a family of four for several years, but we also knew that we weren't done growing our family. In 2013 we started the process to return to Ethiopia for another set of siblings. Unfortunately, shortly afterward things came to halt in Ethiopia and by 2015 the country had closed to international adoption. This closed door was hard to accept and made us question if we had mistaken God's leading in our second adoption. How could this be a part of his plan?
We can now see that one of the reasons this door closed is because God wanted us to see the need in our local community. In 2015 we became a licensed foster family and over the next two and half years we welcomed eleven children into our home. Although we hoped and prayed that one of these placements would lead to an adoption, one never materialized.
In 2018 the military moved us to London, England. We decided to put all adoption plans on hold and enjoy this unexpected experience. We were exhausted from fostering and a little disheartened by the closed doors, so taking a step back from family planning was a welcome reprieve. Yet within weeks of our arrival we could already see God showing us that he still had big plans for us on the other side of the pond, and it wasn’t just to accumulate stamps in our passports.
In 2019 we began the process of another international adoption, this time with a program in Liberia. The process has not been as smooth as we would like, but even on this roller coaster ride we know that God is faithful.
'For your steadfast love is before my eyes and I walk in your faithfulness.' Psalm 26:3
God is faithful no matter what. He is not just faithful when he opens doors and gives us double blessings — He is faithful when doors close and we are crying out for answers. Our role is to keep our eyes on him and walk in his faithfulness. To trust his bigger plans.
As I log the milestones of the last seventeen years to give you a flyover of our family’s story, I am reminded that God’s plan is even bigger than a domestic or international adoption. He has a redemptive plan for each one of us. His plan is to restore his people to himself, as adopted sons and daughters into his eternal family. I am grateful to be a daughter of God. I am humbled that he is using my life, my adoptive family, in his redemptive plan to further grow his kingdom.
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this; to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27
We have been called to open our hearts and home to vulnerable children who need a forever family. Despite the hardships and heartaches that come with this decision, we trust God’s leading in our life. We want to see His kingdom come; His will be done. It’s all about God’s eternal plan.
As we prepare to welcome more of God’s children into our family, we also want to invite you to partner with us. You can walk with us as a fervent prayer warrior, a financial supporter, a faithful friend — or all three! We could not journey this road without the love and support of family and friends.
For His glory-
Leslie and Logan