We are adding a daughter to our family!
We want you to see yourself as part of the community we desire to build around our child while she grows up. We are asking for emotional, spiritual, and financial support.
This month we have finished our home study and all the educational hours, paperwork,
background checks, and evaluations. As part of her adoption process we have started a
crowdfunding campaign. Domestic adoption related costs easily toll up to a minimum of
$26,000. For the past three years we have saved the majority of this fund, however we are still in need to accumulate more.
We understand that this next step of being matched by a biological mom/family and the
transition/attachment for the child will be the most vital. We would love to be lifted up in prayer during this time. Please pray that the right girl finds our family, that we may also be a blessing to her biological family as well, and that the process will go as smoothly as possible given its heartbreaking origin.
Please feel free to share our information with others. Both of us are open to sitting down and discussing her adoption further. We are growing in anticipation and want to share this exciting time with each of you!
Lem and Shannon Malabuyo