Thank you for taking an interest in learning more about my adoption story! Fear, worry, anxiety, confusion, rejection but yet a small ounce of hope are just some of the emotions I experienced over the past three years relating to my interest to adopt. In my somewhat traditional world adoption is not something that is openly embraced nor discussed. Therefore, it was not exactly accepted earlier on when I decided that I was going to go beyond just an interest to adopt, but to further educate myself. Why would a single woman willingly sign up to be a single parent in the 21st Century? What about your prince charming finding you, sweeping you off your feet, falling madly in love with you, asking you to marry him, having beautiful babies together and living happily ever after? For some women this is indeed their story. However, God was taking my desire to someday be a mother and giving me a burden to start my family through adoption. Therefore, I finally decided that I would pray and seek God&'s approval and God&'s will for my life instead of man&'s. Little did I know that just this small step of faith would lead to such miraculous results. Soon I would be inspired by a wonderful co-worker (who is still a great supporter today) who did not know that God was using her to heal me from many of the emotions that I previously described. As I write this letter, with now tears in my eyes, I am grateful. Soon two lives will forever be changed. You can be apart of my adoption journey by clicking the donate now button. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you in advance. I&'m going to be a mommy!!