James 1:27 along with other verses makes it abundantly clear that we are to take care of the orphan in some capacity. We just weren&'t sure what that meant for us. We started praying about it. We felt as if God was calling us to adopt, but it did not make sense financially. While we were searching waiting children God showed us a child that, for lack of a better word, stuck. As a family, we adopted him in prayer and prayed God would send him a family. After a Sunday sermon on courage we decided to move forward with adoption. We realized we could be that family that we prayed God would send him. In Divine timing we started the process just in time to secure his file. The story of adoption that God is blessing us with is truly humbling and amazing. The fact that He loves the fatherless child so much He has placed him in our hearts (and we are willing to fight for him) astonishes us. This struggle is but a glimpse of His struggle in adopting us. That overwhelms our hearts and makes us feel so loved! We are asking prayer for both provision and timing.