Matthew + Lindsay W.

are adopting a child from United States of America

We are adopting again! We are a "family in waiting" with Adoption Angels in TX, and we cannot wait to bring home another sweet baby to love. Caroline is very excited about a baby sister or brother.

We have been awarded a $1000 matching grant with, so we are starting here to gather support to cover random expenses like updating our home study, fingerprinting, and travel.

We are so grateful for your prayers and cannot wait to bring home baby Warren #2!

Adoption Status

Waiting To Be Matched

Adoption Agency

Adoption Angels


  • Update 1

    Thank you!

    August 4, 2024

    We just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who have so generously given to bring home baby Warren #2. We have matched all of the $1000 grant match money! We will keep you posted on how things go in the coming weeks. We love you and are so grateful for this community of love and kindness.

$3,220 raised of $5,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Matching Donors

  • Assistance Blessing matched $1,000

Donations 11

  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
  • Katelyn McCloskey gave an undisclosed amount
    So excited for you guys! Can’t wIt to meet baby Warren #2!

    Matched by Assistance Blessing

  • Kristin Swinson gave an undisclosed amount

    Matched by Assistance Blessing

  • Medinas gave an undisclosed amount
    We love you & we are praying with you for baby Warren to come home soon ❤️

    Matched by Assistance Blessing

  • Anonymous gave $100
    I’m so happy for your family!

    Matched by Assistance Blessing

  • Lou Ann Janes gave $50

    Matched by Assistance Blessing

  • Kelly Sweeney gave $100
    So excited for you!!!!

    Matched by Assistance Blessing

  • Amy Baggett gave an undisclosed amount
    We are praying for your family!

    Matched by Assistance Blessing

  • The Centers gave an undisclosed amount
    We are so excited for you and your growing family! Y’ll are the BEST parents! Praying for a smooth process and transition from a family of 3 to a family of 4 😍.

    Matched by Assistance Blessing

  • Jasmine Peralta gave an undisclosed amount
    I love that you’ve shared this on IG. Partnering with you in prayer as you wait for the next sweet one!

    Matched by Assistance Blessing