Dear all,
We have something we would like to share. We hope this not only gives light to our situation, but encourages others that have a similar story.
First of all, we are so thankful for all we’ve been blessed with, and we do not take a bit of it for granted. We have an amazing son that is such a light in this world. We became pregnant with him with no problems what so ever and he’s been a joy since day one. We’ve had a dream of having more children and we’ve been trying to grow our family for quite a while now. After the year mark of trying, we started seeking answers. We went to ( many) doctors appointments, saw specialists, did all the testing, and started treatments….and our situation has been labeled as “unexplained infertility.” I cannot say this has been an easy walk, possibly one of the hardest, and there has been so many emotions (which I’ll share more on later).
We’ve prayed and researched and talked and prayed some more about what our story looks like. Clearly, it’s not as we had envisioned…but after taking a step back and giving ourselves some time to reflect, something started to spark in our hearts.
We’ve really really sat on this, prayed on this, sought wisdom on this…and we would like to share with everyone that we are in the process of adopting!
We are working closely with an agency and plan to give updates of the process along the way.
We are beyond excited and are doing everything we can to be prepared to welcome a beautiful new life into our home. As part of our adoption process, we have started this crowdfunding campaign. We have set up this fund to help ease the financial burden that often overwhelms adoptive parents.
We hope that by inviting you into this process, you will see yourself as part of the community we hope to build around our child as he/she grows up.