Hi! We are the Meitzler&'s and our family is growing! We are adopting a baby girl! As most of you know we&'ve experienced many ups and downs while building our family but looking back now it&'s easy to see that it was just the groundwork for our path to adoption. We have always been open to the idea of adoption but it is not until now that we understand what a blessing and miracle it truly is. Don&'t get me wrong, adoption is hard. It requires labor, patience, faith and some days courage and strength just to keep moving forward…not much unlike conceiving and carrying biological children:) But in the end adoption promises the gift of God&'s perfect timing. The pieces of an intricate puzzle coming together despite seemingly impossible odds to produce a family. A perfect child born from imperfect circumstances weaving two mothers, two families and a whole network of loving supporters together to celebrate what can only be described as a miracle. This is where you guys come in. You are our loving supporters and we need your help! Adoption is EXPENSIVE! We have a goal of $45000. Yes you read that correctly, but fear not we have a plan! We have $15000 already banked, we are applying for every grant available, pinching every penny, and partnering with a program called Both Hands. Every dollar counts. Whether it&'s $10, $100, $1000. We humbly accept every dime, prayer, or encouraging word with gratitude and joy knowing you will forever be a part of helping to build our family. We invite you to share the miracle of adoption with us and we can&'t wait to celebrate the gift of God&'s perfect timing with all of you!