Michael and Tom L.

are adopting a child from United States of America

Dear Family and Friends,

Most of you are likely already aware that being Dads was one of the first dreams that bonded us when we first met. Of course, since this wish cannot be accomplished in the traditional manner, we have made the exciting yet daunting decision to pursue adoption. We came to this decision through our committed faith, and found it in the best interest of our future family.

We have decided to pursue a Domestic Adoption as a way to build our family. Adoption is an in-depth, lengthy process and includes costs ranging anywhere from $40,000 to $80,000. That is why we have come to you and Adopttogether.org with a humble request for your support towards our adoption journey. We have been making every effort to save and invest what we can to cover as much of the costs ourselves. That has been an easy sacrifice for both of us to make as we cannot imagine a world where we are not parents. We are committed to making sure we can provide a suitable and healthy life for our future child, despite the associated costs of the adoption alone. Upon starting this journey, we were completely unaware about the amount of information and material we would need to know in order to complete this process. If you are interested in more details about the adoption process, breakdown of the cost and fees or where we are in our journey, feel free to read this in its entirety as it is outlined below. Also feel free to check out our online profile (https://www.ourchosenfamily.com/mike-tom-adopt) to learn more about us!

Realizing we are forever indebted to those that might be willing to support, we have chosen to create a symbolic puzzle (picture to come) to capture how valuable and meaningful you all are to our family’s life. Each puzzle piece represents your support, no matter how big or small. By participating in this unique initiative, you become an integral part of our village to make our family dreams come true. We will write the name of each person/family who engages in our journey in any way. Now, we want to emphasize that we completely understand if you're not able to contribute financially. We truly need and appreciate all kinds of support—whether it's spreading the word, sharing any resources or helpful information, or most importantly just keeping us in your thoughts and prayers! We plan to encase the puzzle in a frame with glass on both sides so that we can look back and see, not just the completed puzzle, but the names of all those who are part of our village and supported us and our child along the way.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking the time to read our story and for considering our request. You all mean the world to us, and we are incredibly grateful to have you in our lives!

Love, Michael and Tom

1) Home Study: This involves background checks, clearances, CPR training, interviews, and assessments by licensed social workers or adoption agencies. The home study ensures that the adoptive family is suitable to provide a safe and nurturing environment for the child. (~$3k)

2) Birth Parent Expenses: In most cases, expectant birth parents require financial assistance for medical care, counseling, living expenses, and other necessities during their pregnancy. Adoptive families contribute to these expenses as a way of ensuring the well-being of the birth mother and supporting her decision to place her child for adoption. (~$5k-$25k)

3) Legal Fees: Adoption involves a significant amount of legal work, including filing paperwork, obtaining consent from biological parents, terminating parental rights if necessary, and finalizing the adoption in court. These attorneys specializing in adoption play a crucial role in ensuring the legal process is followed accurately and ethically. (~$20k)

4) Agency Fees: Many families work with adoption agencies or facilitators who guide them through the adoption process, provide counseling and support, and match them with expectant birth parents. (~1k-$20k)

5) Room & Board: often families adopt in a state that is different from their home state. This then requires the adoptive family to fly and stay in the birth family’s state until the ICPC (Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children) clears the adoption which can take several days or even weeks.

6) Post-Adoption Support: The journey does not end once the adoption is finalized. Many adoption agencies and organizations require post-adoption support services, including counseling, educational resources, and access to support groups, to help adoptive families adjust and thrive after welcoming their child. This also includes anywhere from 3-12 post-placement visits that the adoptive family gets charged to complete.

Adoption Status

Completing Paperwork


  • Update 1

    8/1/24 Update

    August 1, 2024

    Hi everyone!

    We are excited to announce that we are officially in the waiting stage! We are LIVE in four different agencies with the hope that we will get an update soon! At this stage, a match could happen at anytime! In November we started the Home Study process. We were approved in February. Then we had to build our profile and start researching agencies. Now that we are live in our agencies, we wait for an expectant Mom to choose us! Since November, we are already over $13,000 into the process! We are actively working on preparing the nursery for baby (which is so much fun), which will include our framed puzzle (see attached) from our village of supporters!

    Please continue to pray for us and our family! Thank you!

    Love, Michael and Tom

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