Hello! I am so thankful to share my adoption journey with you. I&'m 32 years old, single, and living and working overseas in South Korea. This has been a long and wonderful road to decide to pursue adoption, and now that I am so close it is amazing to look back on how God brought me here. I began considering adoption when I was 25 and visiting a home for 8 young girls in Romania. The thought that perhaps I could be a parent to someone like one of these beautiful young ones entered my heart, and stayed there taking root for the next several years. At age 29 I was on a Christmas vacation in China, visiting my cousin who was spending the year volunteering at an orphanage - when my heart became captivated by two precious little boys who were best buds, adorable, funny, and oh so in need of a family to love. Both of those boys have since been adopted (Yay!) by loving families in the US - but my heart continued to feel led by the Lord to adopt from China. For a long time it seemed like finances, living overseas, and being single would keep me from being able to fulfill this calling I felt God was surrounding me with. But then He opened doors! And the timing of it became an answer - this is where He is leading - this is where my family begins. I am really happy to be able to announce that I now know who my child is - he is 15 months old, lives in Tianjin, and has the most amazing chubby cheeks! If you are able or willing to help me with the expenses of bringing my son home I would be forever grateful. So many people have already blessed me with giving ~ I think the world of you and thank God for His provision. Thank you beyond words! ~ Michelle