Hey Guys!
I never asks for gifts for Christmas I'm not big on receiving, usually I prefer to be the one giving the gifts ;) its not easy sometimes to be on the receiving end, in this case its super exciting and humbling all at once. This year we are asking friends and family to donate towards our adoption instead of gifts for the holidays.
We are beyond excited and are doing everything we can to be prepared to welcome a beautiful little girl into our home. Right now we are still in the homestudy process which takes monthsss to complete and a mountain of paperwork. As part of our adoption process, we have started a crowdfunding campaign. If some people can crowdfund for their pet hamster I think most definitely adoption is a worthy and noble cause :) hehe. It may surprise you to hear that adoption related costs can easily total up to $35,000 or more. While we have some of the cost accounted for we are stepping out fully in faith knowing that "God doesn't call the qualified he equips the willing." With that said we have many fundraiser ideas planned and God has been so good to us every step of the way with His provisions. I know there is no obstacle too great that we can't conquer with God's blessing.
So! We are asking YOU our friends and family to join us on this journey. We need you. Phoebe needs a home and a family to love her! Together with your help we can give her a forever family and the hugs and kisses that every child deserves. Your donation helps make that possible. No matter how small, your contribution will lessen the financial burden of the adoption. We can not change the whole world as one single family but if we lock arms together we can change the life of one little girl forever.
You are needed \<3 Not every family is able to adopt an orphan into their home but everyone can help an orphan in their own way; by giving today you are helping in concrete way and for that we want to say THANK YOU! Thank you a million times we are so grateful.
We hope most importantly you will join us in prayer. Please pray for our family, for the funding to meet our financial goals, and for the entire adoption process to go smoothly for everyone, especially our new addition who will be leaving everything she has ever known at the orphanage to live with us. Adoption is beautiful, raw, heartbreaking, and life changing.
If you have read this far we are so happy for you to be a part of our story and if you don't already know the crazy series of events that lead us to finding her please ask me! I love to share the story because its a jaw dropper.
Oh, and one more thing, even if you aren't able to give, we understand, but please take a quick second to copy & paste this link and share it on your FB page, that would be soo helpful. You never know who might feel called to give.
With Love,
The Crewse Family