God has stirred our hearts to adoption. We are stepping forward in faith to welcome our 4th child. She is 4 years old and waiting for us in China. We can't wait to get our daughter home. She does have some special medical needs, but her greatest need is for a family. Lord willing, our goal is to pick her up from an orphanage in China in the next year.
We have mountains of paperwork, fingerprints, agency fees, orphanage donation, airplane tickets, background checks and government fees to get through in order to bring her home. The cost to adopt is substantial. Our total fees will be near $30,000-$35,000.
While we know that not everyone feels a calling to adopt, we know that many are seeking a way to help children without families. We do have a donation account set up and any contributions will go directly towards our adoption costs. Regardless of whether you are able to donate, we always desire your prayers. Thank you for coming alongside us to help bring our little girl home to get her the medical care and LOVE from a family she needs. We'd be honored and humbled to have you be apart of this story.
The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it. 1 Thess 5:24