Andy Newton

is adopting a child from United States of America

We have BIG news!

We are adopting a 2nd Child!!!

We are super excited that we have begun the process to adopt through Bethany Christian Services! Anna wants a little brother or sister. We can’t wait to bring home our new little baby that the Lord is going to bless us with! We are using Bethany’s infant domestic adoption program where we will be picked and partnered with a birth family that is making an adoption plan for their child!

We need your help! The overall cost of our adoption will be just upwards of $28,000. That is why we have set a goal to raise $20,000 through Adoption is an incredible adventure, but the costs can be overwhelming. One of the beautiful things about pure charity is that all donations through them are 100% tax deductible (Unlike similar crowdfunding pages like GoFundMe). We will be working diligently to raise money for this adoption through fundraisers and applying for Grants, as well as our own funds as we continue to save towards this goal. We are trusting in the Lord to provide for our financial need as we are working to bring this beautiful new life into our family!

We hope that you will join us by praying for our family and by giving to help offset the cost of our adoption. We pray that through your giving you will recognize what a powerful role you played in helping to bring this child into a loving family.

Please pray for:

· Our financial goals to be achieved!

· That the Lord will challenge you to give generously

· Tracy and I, as we prepare our lives to welcome a new little one into it.

· For all potential birth parents who are making adoption plans for their kids. It is an incredibly hard and courageous decision for them to make on behalf of their child.

· For all of the workers through Bethany and other adoption agencies who work hard to find loving homes for children in need!

Dear God,

We recognize that all Christians are adopted into the family of God through your grace in the death of your son, Jesus! Thank you Father for giving Tracy and I this calling; we pray that we will always be grateful to you for your blessings upon our family. Help us to be diligent and faithful in our parenting of these wonderful children that you entrust us with! All worship and praise is due to you and your Son, Jesus! Amen.

Romans 8:15 — For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!"

James 1.27 — Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Adoption Agency

Bethany Christian Services (Home Office)


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$466 raised of $10,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Donations 7

  • Andrew Newton gave $200
    you fat cunts needs to loose weight
  • Philip and Mandy Crouse gave $100
  • Kelly gave $20
  • Brant Mickel gave $20
  • Rachel Kimball gave $25
  • Anonymous gave $1
  • Marisol Newton gave $100