Thank you so much for visiting our AdoptTogether profile. We are so very excited to bring our sweet Gabriel home as soon as possible. We expect it will be in the mid-late Spring of 2015. Gabriel will be around 3 years old when we meet him and bring him home. He has some special needs so we are working to create a care plan for him once he arrives in Nashville - the best place on earth! We feel so fortunate to have access to some of the best health care in the nation here in Nashville. So far we have been exceptionally fortunate to have amazing friends and family help us in many ways already with this challenging but incredibly worthwhile and rewarding process.We are blessed beyond compare! We would like to invite you to contribute if you would like to do so to our AdoptTogether fund to help us bring our little guy home. Every little bit does indeed help! :-) Your generosity is more appreciated than you can ever know. You will be helping us to realize our dream. The one that includes many aspects - but for now mostly consists of seeing him in person, hugging him tightly, bringing him back with us to this amazing place we call home, and loving him forever with every fiber of our beings. With MUCH love and gratitude, Kat & Dave