Virginia Hobbs

is adopting a child from United States of America

While dating (7 yrs ago!), Ginny lived with a family with precious daughters adopted from China; our conversations about adoption started then. Early in our marriage, we read Adopted for Life by Dr. Russ Moore, & it sealed the desire in our hearts. We wanted to first grow our family in a more "natural" way via conception, though after years of heartbreaking infertility trials & tears, we learned we could not conceive apart from a miracle or fertility treatments. After much prayer, research, & debate concerning which adoption to pursue (international or domestic), & because of Ginny&'s desire to experience pregnancy (both joys & pains!), we felt the Lord leading us to adopt unborn babes - embryos - through NEDC to be implanted & carried by Ginny. Eventually we hope to adopt internationally, too. We are so thankful that friends & family have tirelessly prayed & offered their support. Lord willing, we will have many children in our care, nourished in the grace, love, & hope of Jesus Christ through both embryo & international adoptions. Please pray for mercy & wisdom to keep our eyes fixed on Christ in all circumstances!


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$650 raised of $15,000 goal
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