We are so beyond thrilled and honored to announce that we are adopting again!!
When we lost our precious daughter Aria in March of 2020, we spent a lot of time praying and petitioning the Lord for answers regarding our next steps as a family. Although we did not know how the Lord would lead us, we felt confident that we were not finished being parents. Early this year, we began pursuing infant adoption again and became a waiting family with an adoption agency in Florida as well as one in Indiana after we relocated and purchased a new home. We also began the process of becoming licensed to foster adopt as well for possible older children. As 2022 moved onward and we passed the 2 year anniversary of losing Aria, we genuinely weren't sure that the Lord was going to allow us to parent again, but yet we kept moving forward. We recently experienced a failed match and are back to waiting for our perfect little one to join our family! Thank you for your prayers and support in this process.