Not long after Lydia and I were married, almost four years ago, we knew we wanted to adopt. We've always wanted children together, and the more we learned about the adoption process the more God put the desire into our heart to do so. The Bible says that we are the adopted sons and daughters of God (Ephesians 1:5), and that caring for children is not just a physical act but a spiritual one (Matthew 18:5). We want to mirror Him and live out our testimony to what He has done for us, not just to the children we adopt, but to the birth moms who selflessly give their children up for adoption as well. For two years we have waited for a call informing us that we could start our family, and we feel so blessed to announce that we have been matched! Our hearts have already, and will continue to, grow with this precious baby, but while God has currently given us the heart and the opportunity to adopt, he has not yet readied the financial means to do so. We are putting our faith in God that while we will find ways to pay for this adoption in the short term, He will take care of tomorrow (Matthew 6:25-30). We believe that God has aligned this situation especially for us and so we know He will provide, and want to invite you to come alongside us in pursuing our call. If you feel led to help bless us, then we would gladly welcome your prayers and support! We have prayed fervently for children we can bless in addition to those we can foster along the way, and are now overjoyed at how full our home is about to become! God has answered our prayers more than we could have imagined.