After adopting our first child we began to feel a passion for children with congenital heart conditions. Our son was born with a unique heart and endured major open heart surgeries in his first year of life as a ward of the state, four years before knowing his Mom and Dad. The thought of him being alone during this time has given us a desire to love and care for children in similar situations. In the fall of 2014 we became aware of a little boy in China with an inoperable heart condition. His diagnosis is severe and there is very little our doctor would suggest as a way to extend his life expectancy. … So the obvious question is why? Why pursue this child? We want to invite you to join us on this journey and explore the why. We are putting our faith in the unchanging, all-knowing God. The perfect Father. While He may or may not have plans to save the life of this child, we are certain He did not make an error in His creation. This child was not a mistake. As we considered if this was right for our family we realized that we couldn&'t NOT pursue. If we believe the Gospel, that Jesus saves undeserving sinners, and we know from experience the sovereign Lord, we couldn&'t look away from this child and be at peace with ourselves. We are putting all our faith in Him to carry us through this process and to bring glory to the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you for considering joining us in this journey. May God bless you! Our blog: