After over a 10 year battle of anorexia, I have finally maintained recovery enough to figure out what I truly want my life to look like. In December, I opened in-home childcare and preschool to start getting back on my feet after teaching for 7 years. Then I started the adoption process the end of February beginning of March and finished the process in April. I was matched in July, but that was discontinued due to a mistake on the match dealing with ICWA (Native American Laws). I was rematched quickly in August with a birth mom in Nevada. The baby is due October 2nd, but they will be inducing her early. The state of Nevada requires the baby to go to cradle care for 72 as the birth mom has to wait 72 hours to sign over her rights. After that we have to wait for clearance in both NV and CO before baby and I can travel this takes about 7 to 10 days. We will have to have a hotel room suitable to keep a newborn in. Also, once we get back to the state of CO, we have to serve the birth father and then attend court (additional fees I was not planning on) this also raises my lawyer fees. The birth mom and I have been in contact and feel it is a great match, we are both very excited for this. Any little bit of money can help with the fees of adoption along with the additional fees to terminate birth fathers rights.