"Now then stand still and see this GREAT thing the Lord is about to do right before your eyes." 1 Samuel 12:16
Adoption Story
We are ADOPTING! Our story is born out of a sweet calling the Lord placed in our hearts. If someone would have asked me three years ago what my life would look like I would have happily said married with three kids. When Brad and I first got married we would always say we hoped to have 2-3 kids, but Brad could always envision us adopting one day. Fast forward to us having Hadley Jo and Harper. When Harper was about 18 months old I could not shake the idea of us having one more bio baby, Brad still had the desire to adopt and wanted to let God work in our lives. So I prayed, and prayed, and prayed. I desperately wanted God to change Brad's heart. Ha Joke is on me. I totally see it now. I started asking God if he could ever see me as an adoptive Mama? I stayed consistent in my prayer life. Then it happened. God changed my heart. He took my desire to carry a baby completely away. I shared with Brad my change of heart and desire to look into adoption. He was on board right away. We prayed together and asked God to use us. We would humbly and obediently put one foot in front of the other allowing him to lead us. Here is where God starts moving. We needed to learn more about adoption to see what direction was right for our family. We met with friends who adopted, agencies, an attorney, and our pastor/wife who adopted. Each meeting was a blessing. We can look back and see his hand on each one. Other fun areas where God had his hand was in my job at Fellowship ADL program (each paycheck was saved for our adoption), and the selling of our home (we needed more space for a growing family). His timing is perfect even when we totally fought him on it. Moving at Christmas time didn't feel fun and going back to work wasn't on my radar. Both were a blessing and we can see that now. My hope in sharing our story is to bring you along on this journey God is writing right before our eyes. We are thrilled to pieces to welcome a sweet baby to our family through adoption. We cannot wait to LOVE them as our own.
Adoption Story Update 10/28/18
We have continued to see God's faithfulness in our adoption journey. We completed the paper work, home study, made our profile book, and everything you can imagine in between. Now we are waiting. Waiting to be matched with a birth Mama. We are praying over her as she makes the biggest decision of her life. Adoption is born out of brokenness and the weight of this is not lost on us. We are working with a Christian based ethical agency that takes care of the birth Mama. (Something that is very important to us). We are talking with Hadley Jo and Harper and prepping them as best we can. Both girls are excited and wish it was tomorrow. The wait is hard to understand even for a 6 and 4 year old. We are answering their questions as they come up and praying for our sweet baby. We have quickly realized the timeline is completely unpredictable on when we could welcome a baby into our family. With nerves high on the unknown- we are clinging to this verse. "At the right time, I the Lord will make it happen." Isaiah 60:22
Adoption Story Update 12/17/18
We received exciting news that the birth mama we met with on Friday 12/14/18 has chosen us! We are SO happy and literally cannot believe it's happening. God has continued to show his faithfulness to us every step of the way. We are having a baby BOY in January. A boy! Oh my heart could just burst. You better believe the girls and I will have tons of fun loving on him and dressing him up. Daddy is equally excited to love on a little boy! Now with that being said we are in a scramble of all scrambles to get ready to bring our son home in a couple weeks. Please join us in prayer as we embrace the holiday season with God's peace and thankfulness. "Perhaps you were born for such a time as this." Esther 4:14
As our excitement grows I imagine the anxiety and fear of the unknowns with his birth mama will rise. She is a beautiful, courageous, and selfless woman. Adoption is not wrapped up in a pretty bow, it comes from a really hard place of loss for both the mama and the baby. So if you could please be lifting her up in prayer as well. That would mean the world to us.
Help us bring baby Reagan home
As part of our adoption process, we have started a crowdfunding campaign. It may surprise you to hear that adoption related costs can easily total up to $25,000. We have been tightening our family budget, hustling side jobs, and selling items to save money. We are almost there. It is very humbling to ask for help but when we embarked on our adoption journey we wanted to give glory to God. That this was his story he was writing. We just got to be followers. We have made each payment up to this point. When we get matched with our baby we owe a large lump some of money. We ask that if you feel called to give please do so and know how much it means to our family.
We chose the platform AdoptTogether because 100% of donations you make are tax decuctible, and AdoptTogether requires us to submit to them our receipts of expenses paid, and verify where it is going to before collecting any of the funds.
THANK YOU all from the bottom of our hearts for your endless support and love towards our family! We couldn't do it without you. Lets bring home baby Reagan TOGETHER! XXXOOO