Hello family & friends!
We are so excited to finally announce that we are preparing to adopt a baby! We have been prayerfully considering adoption for the entirety of our marriage. In the meantime, the Lord has generously blessed us with two amazing kiddos. Now we are ready for baby #3 and we are ready to adopt!
The decision to adopt is not one we have made flippantly, but rather humbly with much prayer before the Lord and discussion with family, friends, and those who have walked the path of adoption before us. The dream to adopt has ruminated in our hearts for years, but we feel confident that now is the time to pursue this precious dream in reality.
We have discovered through parenting and discipling our two boys that building, maintaining, and discipling a family is a community effort. We could not manage without the love and care (and prayers!) of our family and friends. Each one of you have already contributed to our lives in such impactful ways–providing wisdom, resources, and encouragement as we discovered (and are still discovering!) our footing in marriage and parenthood.
Does anything humble a person like parenting? Parenting uncovers the deepest worries and fears within our hearts while also revealing and introducing some of the greatest joys of our lives. We are passionate parents who fully recognize that our primary role as guides for these beautiful souls is to love them well and point them to their loving Creator and Savior, Jesus.
We are asking you to help us bring another child into our home to be fully loved by us, treasured by their brothers, and integrated into this beautiful community of friends and family that surround us.
Where are we in the adoption process?
We have been accepted by an adoption agency to join the families waiting placement, and we are at the beginning of our home study process.
Where are we adopting from?
We are making our family available for a domestic adoption from anywhere in the 50 United States.
Do we have any specifications for our adoption?
No. We are open to any gender, race, medical background, or disability. We are also open to age while maintaining the birth order in our home – however, the agency we are placed with specializes in infant adoptions with only occasional requests for older adoption placement (older meaning ~ 6 months - 2 years of age).
How much are we fundraising and what resources do we need?
We are hoping to raise $27,000 toward our adoption costs. We are prepared to contribute $10,000 at this time. We have plans to apply for grants once our home study process is complete and we will adjust our fundraising goal as needed.
For full transparency, here is the estimated cost breakdown for our adoption process:
Adoption Agency fees: $18,200
Home Study: $3,000
Legal Services: $5,000 - $9,000 (2 attorney hires if we adopt outside of NC)
Birthmother Additional Support: $2000 - $5000
Travel Expenses: $5000
How much of your donation supports our adoption?
All of your donation less 5% (to cover transaction fees for our fundraising host) will be used directly for adoption funds only. One of the reasons we have chosen to fundraise through AdoptTogether is that they utilize a grant process for releasing donations to families who are fundraising. This holds us accountable to how the funds will be applied to our adoption journey and it provides our donors with the assurance that your donation will support the direct needs of the Reynolds Family Adoption – nothing less, and nothing more. An added benefit of using the AdoptTogether platform is that your donation is deductible. For more information, visit the AdoptTogether FAQ.
How can you help?
Pray that God will give us wisdom as we navigate this complicated process and await for selection from a searching birthmother.
Pray for the birthmother, that she will have wisdom to make the best decision for her baby and that the Lord will protect and guide her heart, mind, and body.
Pray for the baby–for emotional, physical, and spiritual health during this process and as they grow up knowing their origin story.
Pray for our boys–that the Lord will ready their hearts for their new sibling.
Pray for our adoption coordinator and the birthmother coordinator. Both of these individuals will be working diligently to communicate between us and the potential birthmothers we will be matched with during this process.
Any contribution is appreciated more than you can imagine. All contributions made through our fundraising platform are tax-deductible.
Lastly, we just want to thank you for taking the time to catch up on our journey here on this fundraising platform. Whether you contribute to this effort or not, you have already contributed to our lives by being part of our community. For this, we are eternally grateful.