Welcome to our adoption journey!
Several years ago, God placed within us the desire to adopt. During those years, we have waited and prayed for His perfect timing to be clear. We now believe the time has arrived, and are excited to announce that we are adopting a child from China!
The awesome thing about this journey, is knowing that God has every single day of our child's life established in His Sovereign will. "Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them" (Psalm 139:16). This gives us incredible confidence and hope, that even when we cannot see every detail ahead, our God has invited us to trust Him as we step into what He has prepared. He knows our child's name, personality, and story!
We invite you on our journey to pray with us and help us bring our child home. We would be honored and humbled if you would help us make our family complete through your prayers and financial support!
Note: If you need a tax deduction, you can give online through Adopt Together or you can send a check (Memo: "FUN265137") directly to:
AdoptTogether’s Fund at Pure Charity
PO BOX 1234
Searcy, AR 72145
If you do not need a tax deduction, please contact Glen and Natalie directly.
Thank you!