We are the Roy's. Jared, Monica, Grace (15), Selma (13), Jonas (11), Olive 6), and Hazel (4). We have been married 18 years, and have known since our earliest married days that someday we would be taking this journey of adoption, though we couldn't have imagined where this journey would take us. After bringing home Hazel just 2 short years ago, our world changed (more about our journey to this point here: https://www.facebook.com/royfamilychoosetolove/). Our kids grew (taller as well as deeper) and have continued to surprise us with their selfless love poured out. Their faith has encouraged us that we needed to grow our family with two more beautiful children. Enter Poppy (11) and Zeke (2). Family and friends have expressed interest in being part of this journey in bringing Poppy and Zeke home through helping financially. We are thankful for a place like Adopt Together which allows us to share this with you and makes your gift tax-deductible. We hope you will partner with us financially to help get them home quickly. We continue to trust that God is going to get these kids home regardless of our doubts and fears. He only asks that we follow. He will do the rest. We truly feel that these kids - all kids - deserve to know the love of a family and to be loved the way Jesus calls us to. Thank you for loving our family through your support, prayers, and encouragement and thank you for your generosity. Your gift means more to us than you could ever know. We can't wait for you to meet them!