Ruwe party of 4, hopefully and prayerfully heading to Ruwe party of FIVE!!!!!! We are adopting again! We are praying to add a little girl from India to our family. The boys have been talking about a little sister for a year now and we are all praying God will do his will in our family as we move forward in another process.
As many of you know this has already been a big year for us, last fall we transitioned to full time poultry farming, we are moving to the farm place sometime this year, continuing to parent and home school, and the world is operating differently than it was a few months ago. But we confidently walk into this adoption process.
- What now? We start the paperwork process again, home study process, fundraising. We will be using America World Adoption for our placement agency and Lutheran Family Services for our home study agency. The cost will be around $31,952 - $42,982. This can feel daunting but the Lord has provided again and again. We have already begun paying the first fees and applying for grants.
- How long? With adoption it is wise to pretty much be sure that a timeline is never sure. But we can tell you it could take 2+ years to possibly bring a sweet little girl to our home.
- How can you support us? PRAY! No process is a guarantee and we know there are so many unknowns, but we are trusting God to faithfully move forward. You can also send printer paper and black pens as the paperwork is hefty :) Joking aside, pray as we put our marriage as a priority, parenting, and ministry but also do the paperwork well and in a timely manner. Also, you can give financially if you feel called. We will be holding official fundraisers later this year but giving through pure charity/adopt together is tax deductible at anytime.
Did you know that India has the most orphans in the world…totaling around 31 million! Did you also know that God cares for each & every one of them and calls believers to do the same. “We care for orphans not because we are rescuers, but because we are the rescued.” -David Platt.
James 1:27 "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."
Thank you for caring, supporting, and partnering with us on this third adoption journey.
In Christ,
Andrew, Laura, Tabalo, and Amit