Hey family, friends, and donors! Thanks for reading our profile. It&'s an honor and a blessing to be on AdoptTogether and to have this resource. We are Scott and Becky. Our children are Abby (11), Dale (9), Ezequiel (8- special needs from Peru in 2012), and Elijah (7- from Uganda in 2009). Our family blog is : elijahjohnryder.blogspot.com We are in the process of adopting from China! We are on the last leg of fundraising and only need roughly $3,000 to go! Thank you Lord! **UPDATE 12/9/2013 - We are Logged In or LID and awaiting our Letter of Acceptance. We should have this letter between December and February. **UPDATE 9/16/2013 - We received Preliminary approval for another son, Simeon Micah Chao, an 8 yr old boy who is deaf! **UPDATE 6/24/2013 - We received Preliminary approval for our new son, Asher WF Eleazar, a 5 yr old little boy with amniotic band syndrome and fibula hemimelia. We received a private donor grant to help with agency fees for Asher.