are adopting a child from United States of America

The Schwartz Adoption Journey.

_ We are Derek & Taylor Schwartz. We currently reside in Evansville, Indiana. We are so glad that you have come along side of us in this journey, this is our ado __ ption story! _

_Derek and Taylor crossed paths in 2015 when they both were introduced to each other at a Sunday morning church service. IT WAS A GOD THING from the start as they would both tell you. With a very old fashioned courtship, Derek and Taylor began dating in November of 2015, engaged august 2016, and were married October 2016 on the coast of Florida in a beautiful and private ceremony. Before Derek and Taylor began dating, it was discussed about the possibility of having children. Taylor and Derek agreed to having one child. In the year after the wedding, Derek and Taylor were not successful in their attempts to conceive naturally. The seed of parenthood has always been planted in taylors heart, the one thing she desired most despite the many failed attempts.

When Taylor turned 20 she realized that naturally, it would prove difficult. Taylor's cycles began to disappear, and eventually her cycles stopped all together. With much concern, a doctors visit was scheduled. In 2010 taylor was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome). PCOS effects many things within the body. Symptoms include: Cystic Ovaries, Abnormal periods,Weight gain, Insulin resistance, Heavy Periods, Painful Periods, anxiety, acne, hair thinning and the most heart breaking: infertility. PCOS is a major cause of infertility in many couples. While Taylor was told it would not be seen as impossible, PCOS however would make it very difficult and would come with its own issues. With this diagnosis, Taylor knew that her journey would be full of many bumps. As many years passed, the doctors tried medications on and off to manage the diagnosis and symptoms, however there is only management with PCOS, but there is no cure. In 2018 Taylor was formally diagnosed with Endometriosis which came as a relief, but also as a painful blow. Endometriosis is a condition where the uterine lining painfully grows outside of the uterus, sometimes attaching to nearby organs such as the Rectum or the Fallopian tubes. Nausea, Heavy Periods, Abdominal/Pelvic Pain, Painful Periods and Infertility are just some of the consequences of this disease. Endometriosis was found all over the walls of Taylor's uterus. After a very emotional post op meeting with Taylor's doctor, she finally felt she had the answers and the possibility of her miracle. For many years Taylor was living with a misdiagnosed condition, her pain and symptoms could now be better managed. After the surgery, pain levels decreased drastically and her daily functions are no longer disrupted by pain. However, Despite the surgery that removed the endometrial tissue, Derek and Taylor have failed to conceive naturally even with medication and diet changes.

It wast always easy. For several years Taylor became very distraught over what she simply could not control. Feelings of sadness & resentment seemed to weigh on her heart for years. She would ask herself "why me" and "when is it my turn". Shame was something else that never seemed to escape Taylor, feelings of being TOTALLY left behind as others were moving forward. Within the last few months, Taylor began to find peace and acceptance over the situation. For the first time the wound of infertility was closing, when in the past it remained so wide open. This was a sign that the LORD was moving so powerfully in their situation. A few weeks ago sitting in church, the pastor was speaking about Foster & Adoption and Taylor's Heart could not help but be stirred. What if through the struggle of infertility, god was preparing us for adoption? The trials were necessary in order put their full confidence and faith in the LORD, to be brought to a place to say "it is well" without question._ Taylor told derek that her heart felt "pulled" to adoption. As the days went on it was becoming more clear that GOD was leading them to make the decision. More confirmation arrived when a friend of Taylor's Reached out to her about a local adoption agency, and that she felt it on her heart that Taylor and Derek would be a perfect couple/match….this was their second chance..this was their hope.

After prayer & discussion, it was decided that this is where the LORD was leading them. This is their testimony, that the LORD is good and faithful in the trials of this life. That God is the author of hope and second chances. There is nothing their hearts desire more in this world than to become parents. Derek and Taylor are so thankful for the support and love from their family and friends. Thank you for being a part of their journey!! This will be a process that will take alot of faith and prayer. Listed below are the fees needed in order to welcome a child into their home:

Adoption Application: $150
Home Study: $1,600
Court Costs: $200-$700
Placement Fee: $10,000
Maternity Assistance: $1,500
Supervisory Visits: $1,000
Supplies & Needs: $1,000

" for this child i have prayed, the lord has granted me the desire of my heart" - 1 samuel 1:27


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