When you consider the facts and figures surrounding orphans in the world it is easy to think; what difference could we make? As our family thought and prayed through these issues, we were struck by the thought that we should, "do for one what we wish we could do for everyone". We wish that every child had a family, but we can guarantee that for one child. As we embraced this calling the Lord began to order our steps and open doors.Those open doors have lead us to the nation of Uganda. For months we filled out paper work, and submitted forms. Then on July 23rd, after months of waiting we received the picture of our little girl. She is 4 and a half years old and we are in love! The only thing that stands in the way of her being in our family forever is finances. We need to raise about $20,000. That includes: - Two trips to Uganda for Jessica and I - In country incidental fees - Visa&'s - Court/lawyer fees. We have and will continue to save our own money, and we will work hard to exhaust all the options we are aware of (Grants, fundraiser, etc).But in the end we need the help of others to bring our little girl home. If your wondering how you can help please consider: Praying: We believe God answers prayer…This little girl is evidence of that, so please pray for her health, ability to connect, and for finances Help: We are having a garage sale on August 1st and need donations and labor, please consider helping out. Giving: You may feel led to give financially. We are so humbled that you want to come along side in this way, and you can make a tax free donation on this site. Thanks for taking time to here our story.