We Have Some Exciting News to Share! We’re Adopting from China!
After much prayer and reflection, we have decided to change our adoption program from Haiti to China. I suppose they call this an adoption "journey" for a reason. We are very excited about the change, and we are so thankful for the continued love and support offered by our family and friends.
Why China?
There are currently over 600,000 orphans living in China. Tragically, due to stigma and an overall lack of support, 98% of children abandoned in China have special needs. We're so excited to grow our family by one more, love unconditionally, and provide the medical attention needed so that our child can live life to the fullest!
The cost of adoption can be overwhelming (~$35,000)! Your donation will go directly toward the cost of bringing our son home. Thank you so much for your support and generosity!
To show our thanks, your name will be written on the back of a puzzle, which will hang in our child's room to show how the community “came together” to bring him home!
Psalm 82:3 Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
With Gratitude & Love, Richard, Jennifer, Sophie & Laurie Snyder