We have been married since 2013 and have been growing closer to one another and the Lord since that day. We have been praying that the Lord bless us with children as we struggled with infertility. We have always been open to adoption- regardless of whether we would be able to have biological children. This summer we started the application process to adopt from the foster care system. We were open to any age, race, or history of abuse. While we were still in the application phase of foster care adoption with the state (mid-December), we received a Facebook message that there was a pregnant woman who was looking for a Catholic couple to adopt her baby. We of course were interested! After being told that private adoption agencies in our area were not accepting new applicants, we were thrilled to have an opportunity to be connected to a birth mother outside of the normal agency process. We met with the social worker and it was official! The birth parents have requested the name Lillian Rose, and we would love to honor that request. She is due February 7th, so we have a short time frame to get everything in order before her arrival. Since we thought we were going the foster care route, we had not prepared to pay the large fee associated with private adoption. However, we know that this is the Lord&'s will and he will provide the finances needed. We believe that Lillian Rose was meant to be part of our family! We invite you to join with us in this journey. Please help us to bring our daughter home and pray for us during this time. Our total cost will be $20,000-$23,000, but we are receiving donations outside of this site, so will update our "goal" accordingly.