Steve and I started life together 22 years ago. Married life was good. Then came Dane and family life was great. When we found out that more children were unlikely due to a medical issue, the focus shifted to adoption to grow our happy little family. After two tries at Foster Care training and hearing scary stories, adoption seemed to be a hope that was just out of reach. Fast forward 15 years. Hosting children, from Orphanages and Foster Homes in Europe, for 6 weeks and sharing the love of Christ and a family with them was a glorious way to meet that desire to love on children with minimal perceived up-front risk. Of course, the financial path became cloudy with the loss of a job, but the calling from God seemed unmistakable. In faith, we hosted three brothers and of course fell in love with them. We began adoption paperwork but for reasons unknown were told "no". Two years later, we hosted again. Of course, we fell in love again. This time it is a girl and she is amazing in so many ways. She said "yes" and so again, we step out in faith. We are trusting that God will provide what is needed for what he has called us to, through one avenue or another. Once complete, the cost of this adoption will be around $30,000 total. Our church has generously pledged several thousand dollars toward expenses, but all other grant applications have been denied. We have started a business to replace the lost income, but growth has been slow. It was after encouragement from a friend that we set up this account. She said, "people may want to help support adoption (and specifically, your family and "A"), but they don't know how. This gives them a way to help and support caring for orphans!" If you are able and choose to give, we give you our heartfelt thanks and promise the money will be used to change at least one life. Knowing how God multiplies our gifts though, it will probably impact many.