Most of you know that we have been trying to become a family for a few years now - and this dream will hopefully soon become a diaper changing, sleep deprived reality! We have been saving specifically for this adoption for a while which allowed us to cover all fees and expenses to this point - but in order to get over the last little hump (get it?) we will need your help. It is amazing how much support we have already received from friends & family - the countless prayers, tissues, encouraging texts, hugs, and baby items that were given in faithful anticipation, etc… Should you choose to make a financial contribution through it will be 100% tax deductible.
Fuer unsere deutschen Unterstuetzer: Leider sind die Spenden fuer euch nicht steuerlich absetzbar, aber fuer jede 10 Euro senden wir euch 10 Minuten Sonnenschein - echt! Ihr koennt hier ueber AdoptTogether mit Kreditkarte oder ueber Paypal spenden, oder wir senden auch gerne unsere deutsche Bankverbindung via separater Email. Einfach kurz Bescheid geben. Vielen lieben Dank!