Michelle Rogers

is adopting a child from Ethiopia

Hello! We are the Rogers family from central Ohio. We have KK (12), Lily (10), & Reese (8) and are preparing to welcome Little Rogi #4 from Ethiopia sometime soon. We are currently in the waiting period of our adoption journey - we are waiting for our referral for a boy age 0-7. You can follow our adoption story at http://talesoftherogi.blogspot.com **UPDATE 10/2013** We received our referral in June for a sweet 6 year-old boy named Kindu. We traveled to Ethiopia and passed court in August, spending over a week there with our sweet boy. Our agency has been trying to gather the US Embassy requested docments so that we can be submitted for Kindu&'s visa. We&'re on the LAST LEG of this adoption journey. We just are needing another $10,000 to complete our process and travel. Click the green button to donate. THANKS! Get the complete details of our adoption journey on our blog at http://talesoftherogi.blogspot.com Thanks so much!


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$2,523 raised of $18,000 goal
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Donations 1

  • Original Donations gave $2,523
    Donations from original AT website