Robert & Jamie R.

are adopting a child from United States of America

We are Rob and Jamie, Lucas, Eliana and Quinton and we are adopting! We are pursuing a domestic adoption called private infant adoption. Which basically means U.S. residents (likely Ohio) who are, for varied reasons, choosing an adoption plan for their child (often before the child is born). Our desire is to be the open, longing arms a biological family selflessly chooses to parent their child. Our hearts are in a constant cycle of breaking over the devastating loss of biological ties our child will experience all the while growing in surmounting love of God's redeeming plan of adoption.

As we pursue this goal, we need help. They say it "Takes a village" to raise a child. As parents of a ten, seven and two year old, we know this well. Would you consider joining our village as we work together to bring our little one forever home?

The cost seems daunting. We know it's a lot. Yet, we know the God who has called us here, will equip us to follow His plan. We'd like to invite you to a part of what He is doing in our family.


Wondering why private infant adoptions cost so much? Though each adoption varies depending on specifics, here's a good list of determining factors . (Disclaimer: The following information is not from our agency and is only to give you an idea of what costs are related to adoption. Our specific agency works hard to raise overhead funding, thereby dropping the cost for adoptive families significantly.):

Adoption Status


Adoption Agency

Choosing Hope Adoptions


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$2,600 raised of $18,000 goal
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Donations 4

  • Anonymous gave $100
  • Brian Yoder gave $1,000
  • Brian Yoder gave $500
  • Brian Yoder gave $1,000