Here we are October 1st, 2016 thanking the Lord for His goodness and mercy these past 2 post-adoption years. Anna, Luke, and Mark are making overall progress as they continue to adapt to their new lives in America. We remember well sitting in the director's office at the orphanage facing three children, all sitting in a row, witnessing them being asked to make a very adult decision to go to America with a family they had met only one hour prior. The thing is they were relatively happy with life in their private orphanage that had been home for nearly 8 years. They gave up their friends and having some contact with their biological family (both parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins). It's so crazy to think they were asked to leave behind a family that they may never have relationship with again and attach to a family they just met from a foreign land with a foreign language. Kinda resembles an alien abduction. Of course, the hope for a better life in America with a stable intact family was on the forefront of their decision along with an escape from institutional living and the hope for a cure to Luke's life-threatening congenital heart condition. Adapting,attaching to our family, as well as perfecting the English language is an ongoing process. Thankful for the progress made knowing there is much more to come. Adoption is expensive. It just is. Can't change that even if we disagree. But God still asks some of us to move in that direction and asks others to support that calling financially. Total adoption expenses have been well over $60,000, with a remaining adoption debt of $18,000. Much of that debt is on a family members credit card with 30% interest. It grieves us to see God's money go to Citi bank each month when there is so much good we could be doing with that money to advance God's kingdom. We ask you to please consider sowing your financial seed into this ground which we believe will produce a great harvest for you, as the Lord does reward those who care for orphans. Of course, Anna, Luke and Mark are no longer orphans. We thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve Him in the ultimate care of orphans through adoption. Please consider partnering with us on this mission. We appreciate and thank you in advance for your end of the year tax-deductible gift. Conrad and Jackie