Erica Bailey

is adopting a child from United States of America

We are so excited to grow our family once again through Special Needs Adoption!

I am a mom of four boys. My oldest is 28 and visits quite often. He is a very supportive big brother and plays an active roll in the boys daily lives. My middle boys ages 12 and 8 are active and lively guys. They both enjoy any type of water sports and are the best big brothers to little Joey. Unfortunately, both of them have a diagnosis of Muscular Dystrophy. They are very high spirited and try to not let their diagnosis define who they are nor do they allow it to stop them from exploring and trying new things.

I have always wanted to grow my family through the blessing of Special Needs Adoption. I am already a mom of children that have a diagnosis that requires extra training and education. I have a ton of experience with many different medical conditions and diagnosis. I know that you can have an amazing life no matter what obstacles you may have along the way as long as you have an experienced and supportive family.

In 2022 I was match with an amazing little guy that had many unknowns. Joey is the sweetest and happiest two year old. He has a few conditions and diagnosis that have required extra treatments and therapies. He is thriving and enjoying every day to the fullest. Joey has shown us all the true meaning of resilience.

Our family is waiting for the magical call that will place our new baby in our arms. We have started a crowdfunding campaign to help off set our adoption expenses. Special Needs Adoptions and their related costs will heavily impact our families budget. Domestic Special Needs Adoption fees, travel and other expenses typically range from $25,000-$53,000. Our family has set a goal of $10,000 to help offset the required $15,000 child matching fee with our agency.

Please know that any assistance in helping us reach our goal is helping a child that will require special skills and extra care for their lifetime. Know that by assisting our family financially you are forever connected to us. You will always have a special place in our hearts for helping our new baby that we know is out there waiting to feel unconditional love in our home!

Adoption Status

Waiting To Be Matched


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