Carlos & Angelica Ballinas

are adopting from United States of America

“Not of my flesh, nor of my bone, but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn’t grow under my heart, but in it.” - Fleur Conkling Heyliger.

Our names are Carlos and Angelica; we have been extremely blessed and grateful to have met and married on 01/2016. Being newlyweds, completing our degrees in Healthcare, navigating through new health challenges, and Carlos working on his permanent residency proved difficult to balance; therefore, we decided to wait to grow our family until we had a few things checked off our list. We have had an exciting several years, and in March 2020, we had to travel to Mexico as Carlos received his interview for his permanent residency card and was approved. Carlos was recently approved for his U.S Citizenship on 07/2024. Angelica’s health challenges due to her postural orthostatic sinus tachycardia syndrome (POTs) and Hashimoto’s disease are on a stable path due to an excellent treatment plan and care team.

As healthcare professionals, we lost track of time as we raced back from Mexico in March 2020 and were consumed by the pandemic. We quickly realized that after losing some family, we needed to stop waiting for the perfect time to grow our family.

We began trying to grow our family in September 2021. Through our journey, we have had 2 ectopic pregnancies and 4 miscarriages, and we discovered helpful information from our fertility specialist that explained our challenges to carry to term that were outside of our control. Our next phase was to go through IVF or the surrogacy route.

While in the emergency room, after receiving the news of our second ectopic pregnancy in less than one year, we reflected on what growing a family looks like for us. We found ourselves going back to our initial spark/passion to adopt before we even knew the challenges that were ahead of us in trying to conceive a biological child.

We contacted the Greater Hopes adoption agency in Michigan on 11/2023 to resume the initial adoption journey we began in 2018. We hope to love, guide, and protect a little human as we let go and let God with our fertility journey. Our HomeStudy is approved and awaiting to be matched.

Thank you for your gracious time and consideration in investing in our family’s story—prayer-filled blessing and health.

I hope this finds you all well, Angelica and Carlos

Adoption Status

Completing Paperwork

Adoption Agency

Greater Hopes


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