Landon & Brianna Barger

are adopting a child from United States of America

Welcome, friends! We have BIG news!

We are beyond excited to announce that we are pursuing adoption. As you can imagine, we're a mixed bag of excited, fearful, overwhelmed, nervous, eager, and optimistic.

We are now "active status" with our selected agency and have started to receive presentation opportunities. This means that we fit the requested criteria for mothers who are choosing adoption for their children through our agency. When we say "yes" to being presented to a birth mom, we are agreeing that we're ready to be entrusted with a child. We're also agreeing that we're equipped financially to pay the associated adoption, legal, and medical fees. The total sum of those ranges anywhere from $35,000 or more. While we've been saving toward family planning/adoption since the beginning of our marriage (6 years!), we don't yet have enough saved up enough to say a firm "yes!" to the financial requirements when presented with adoption opportunities.

We are asking if you'd consider two things … First, would you please pray? This side of Heaven, there is simultaneous joy and grief when it comes to adoption. It's an incredibly selfless decision on the part of the birth family, and our only way of support for them is prayer at this time. We ask that you please join us in prayer for protection of them as well as comfort as they make an unfathomably difficult decision. Prayer could also be used to help provide wisdom, patience, and peace for us. Second, would you consider supporting us financially? To put it bluntly, it feels weird to request that. We've long weighed if we should do a fundraising type of thing, and it's not been a quick decision for us. Landon has worked in length to apply for many financial grants, however there's no guarantee we'd been chosen to receive those. To those who've already supported us by way of recommendation letters, please know how sincerely thankful we are! If you'd like to support us by way of a donation, you can do so here using the link on our profile. We're hoping to be able to remove/lower the financial hurdle with the help of those around us and have the ability to say "yes!"

We know you may have many questions, and we will be as open as we feel is wise or is in the best interest of all involved when it comes to details of a potential adoption. We also want to be as open as possible regarding the finances. We've chosen Adopt Together as they are a non-profit organization. Financial donations toward our fundraising campaign will be tax deductible. We hope that by inviting you into this process, you will see yourself as part of the community we hope to build around our child as he/she grows up. Thank you for your consideration!

-Landon & Brianna

Adoption Status

Completing Paperwork


  • Update 2

    Presentation Opportunity #1 Update

    October 24, 2022

    Hello Friends/Family! We have made the decision to say "no" to the most recent presentation opportunity. There were some abnormal circumstances surrounding the adoption along with our continued fundraising ongoing that made the decision tough. Thank you for your continued support as we prepare for more opportunities soon!

  • Update 1

    Presentation Opportunity #1

    October 19, 2022

    Landon and I have been given a presentation opportunity. We're prayerfully considering our response to this particular situation and will need to reply to our agency's request with a "yes" or "no" near the end of the week. Please pray God would provide peace, wisdom, and unity as we decide.

$8,365 raised of $20,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Matching Donors

  • Hank and Sueann matched $500

Donations 19

  • Sarah Norris gave $30
    Praying for you and your newborn to come daily
  • Valerie and Tim Depue gave an undisclosed amount
    We are so excited to be part of this beautiful process along with praying for you!! Love you!!
  • Shelly Cranor gave $200
    God bless !!
  • Megan and Eric Lund gave $50
    Happy belated birthday Brianna! We are so excited for you and Landon! Praying with you always!
  • Zack Volner gave $250
    Good luck Landon!
  • Hulse Family gave $1,000
    We love you, Baby Barger🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

    Matched by Hank and Sueann

  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount

    Matched by Hank and Sueann

  • Emily Bosma gave an undisclosed amount
    Love you guys and praying for you <3

    Matched by Hank and Sueann

  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount

    Matched by Hank and Sueann