Tom and Melissa Brown-Chandler

are adopting 5 children from United States of America

Hi family and friends, Clearly we have found Gods calling for us in life, we are a never ending home for children. We have always had a revolving door in our house for families and children in need. As some of our older children moved out and started their own families, we began volunteering in a new city that we knew was impoverished. What started as us just volunteering as a family became realizing how great the need was for us in this community. We started bringing donations to families in need and feeding people whenever possible. We spent a few days a week out there with the community and have seen so much heartbreak for how they live.

With that said, we have taken on 7 full time children and additional whenever possible, as many as we can fit in the van, lol.

We came to know a few special children and then their mother who we love just as much. Unfortunately, their mom was raised in the same impoverished community and was unable to provide the care and nurturing environment that children need, but more than that it was so unsafe.. After spending much time with them all, it was on our hearts to take these children in and let them grow in a safe and loving environment, not long after we started feeling it the mother asked if we would please adopt them and give them a chance of a big loving family where they will be educated and grow up with a chance of normalcy.

We are adopting 5 of her children officially and supporting two others through the school years. However, the financial burden is great. We have always lived by God will provide, and He does, our adoption fees are coming up soon and we are hoping to gather some funding to help. Adoption is not cheap, but feeding & caring for our own family of 11 on top of 7 more is definitely no small expense. We sincerely appreciate anything and everything that comes our way. Thank you for reading!

Adoption Status

Completing Paperwork

Adoption Agency

Connecting Hearts Adoption


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