Kathryn and Ebrahim Delazad-Matanagh

are adopting a child from United States of America

We are writing to share our heartfelt adoption journey and the obstacles we have encountered along the way.

We have longed to build a family together and after facing infertility issues as well as medical issues, we earnestly turned to the option of adoption. We are emotionally and physically prepared to provide a nurturing and loving environment for a child, and we firmly believe that family is not defined by biological ties but by love and support.

Our recent experience with a failed adoption has been emotionally and financially taxing. We had a loss of $36,000 including our traveling expenses.

We aren’t giving up! We are continuing our journey and we can’t wait to be parents! We are now currently working with A Guardian Angel Adoptions, LLC in Utah. We are so excited to be working with them, but also nervous about the upcoming expenses after such a big financial and obvious emotional loss.

There are many different kinds of expenses that go into adopting from the advertising fees, post-partum expenses, agency fees, case management, living expenses, medical expenses, travel and much more.

All of these expenses can easily add up to $52,000- $70,000. This is why we set a goal of $30,000 to help ease the financial burden of us to continue our dream of becoming parents!

We hope that inviting you into this process, you can see yourself as part of the community we hope to build around our child as he or she grows up.

Much love, Ebrahim and Kathryn

Adoption Status

Waiting To Be Matched

Adoption Agency

A Guardian Angel Adoptions, LLC


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$4,228 raised of $30,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Donations 26

  • Shawna & Ahmet Becene gave an undisclosed amount
    Love and prayers for you both on this journey.
  • Shannon Daneshmand gave $100
  • Nina and Eddie Aganov gave $30
    Love you both and can’t wait for you to become parents. You both are so deserving!!!
  • Bianca gave an undisclosed amount
    We are sorry for all of the ups and downs this has been. But just know your day is coming soon, you both will be amazing parents. We love you both. Bianca, Rudi, Leila and Liam
  • Rosalyn Fick gave an undisclosed amount
    My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your wife during this difficult time. I truly believe that with your deep love and resilience, you will overcome these struggles and find the family happiness you deserve.
  • Susan and Frank Viviano gave an undisclosed amount
    Praying for your child God has planned for you to come soon. Here for you anytime you need support. ❤️
  • Jennifer Wallace gave an undisclosed amount
    Much love to you both. You will be amazing parents. Love your cousin Jenny
  • Alex Bailey gave $20
  • Kim and Patrick Connelly gave an undisclosed amount
    Dear Katie and Ebi, we love you so much and know you will be the most wonderful parents. Your baby will be so very blessed to have you as parents! - Kimmie, Patrick, Will and Jake
  • Shannah J Ahmed gave $50
    Wishing you all the love to fulfill your dreams of adding to your family.