Brian + Jessica Dooley

are adopting a child from United States of America

We are adopting again! Adoption blessed our family with our daughter Noelle and we are ALL ready to love another sweet child! Noelle is so excited to be a big sister! It’s the most precious thing to watch her with her baby cousins, I know she will thrive in her new role! Mom here can’t wait for more baby snuggles but is quite apprehensive for the no sleep phase… but trusting God through it all! Brian is eagerly waiting to find out if he’ll continue to be a girl dad or have a lifelong golfing buddy!

We so appreciate your prayers as we embark on this journey again! We ask specifically, that you cover our future child and their birth family.

Here we go again! #babydooleynumber2

Adoption Status


Adoption Agency

A Bond of Love


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$86 raised of $20,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Donations 2

  • Your work family, Quality Homes of Port Charlotte gave $50
    Gary and family, we are sorry for your loss. Dean, Jim, Britany, Kayln, Brandy, Mike, Logan, Lee, Bo, Chris, Albert, Chad, and Tonie
  • Gayle Agar gave an undisclosed amount
    In memory of and honoring your amazing grandfather, Robert Earl Grennell, father/FIL to our wonderful and loving friends Len & Catherine Grennell. We wish you Brian & Jessica all the best on your journey to adopt again.