David & Abigail Elliott

are adopting a child from United States of America


It's hard to believe it's actually happening! We are beyond excited (and nervous!), and are doing everything we can to be prepared to welcome a sweet new life into our home. If you know us well, you know that adoption has always been a part of our story: from working for a Christian adoption agency, to having adopted siblings, to over 15 years of conversations and prayer…it feels only right that this is how our family will grow.

As part of our adoption process, we have started a crowdfunding campaign. It may surprise you to hear that adoption-related costs can easily total up to $70,000 or more (yes, you read that right). In fact, that is the primary reason why so many who consider adoption decide against it. We admit, those numbers are intimidating for us as well, but we truly believe that this is the journey God has for us.

We currently have $25,000 put towards the adoption process. While that is a good start, it is a fraction of the total cost. We know that this journey will require grant-writing, continued saving, and sacrifice on our part. We also know we absolutely cannot do it alone. And while that is terrifying, it is also such a beautiful thing to lean on our community to bring this child home. Would you partner with us?

We hope that by by donating towards our adoption you will see yourself as part of the community we hope to build around our child as he/she grows up. Words cannot describe the incredible impact you’re making on our life and the life of our child. We pray that one day he/she will come to understand the love and generosity of our amazing friends and community.

Adoption Status

Completing Paperwork

Adoption Agency

American Adoptions


This family has not posted an update yet. Donate to receive updates by email.
$21,300 raised of $35,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Donations 84

  • Madeline White gave $50
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
    Guys! Congrats on starting this journey and on the baby God will bless you with! Our hearts grieve with you over the years of infertility and the deep sorrow present there. Praying blessings and hope for your journey! 💖
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
  • Cathey Manning gave $100
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
    So excited for you both. You guys truly are going to be the greatest parents and I cannot wait to see your baby grow up being so loved!
  • Sue & Sam Rakes gave an undisclosed amount
    We are available to baby sit! Just ask Chief...
  • Karen L Ray gave an undisclosed amount
    Abby and David, Congratulations, I'm excited for you all and will be praying for all aspects of this journey. Love, Karen
  • Mikayla Wand gave $200
    Love y’all & so excited for your next season of life as the most amazing parents ❤️
  • kayli tanner gave $50
    I LOVE YOU GUYS! God will take you all the way! 🤍