Growing our family through adoption has been on our hearts since even before we were married – and the time is finally here! We are preparing in all of the many ways necessary. We have completed our home study, turned in our profile book information, and we are waiting to be matched with our forever baby. We have been saving up, applying for grants, and dreaming up creative ways to fundraise like t-shirt campaigns and bake sales. The average cost of domestic adoption costs somewhere between 45k-66k (I know, those numbers seem crazy). We are stepping out in faith, knowing that the Lord is able to provide all of our needs and to do things far beyond what we could ever ask or imagine.
Guys -- what a wild ride this has been!! Where do I even start?
I'll start with precious baby boy Ezra, he is the one that we have been waiting for since September and, up until a couple of weeks ago, the only baby we were planning on bringing into our family through adoption this year. We got a call at 1am on December 12th that mama was in labor and we quickly packed our bags, booked our tickets and Air B&B, and flew to Utah later than morning! Ezra was born around 5pm that evening. He is just perfect. We got to spend some time with birth mama (we love her) and it was such a special experience from start to finish. We had to wait in Utah for some legal clearances and were able to fly back to Florida on December 18th.
Rewind to December 10, we got a call from our attorney that we signed on with almost 2 years ago, but hadn't heard much from, asking us where we were in our adoption journey because he had a baby girl that was due on the 26th to ask us about. We told him we were matched with another birth mama who was due any day, but oddly, we felt very open to hear more details and pray about it. Before the end of the day, we know our answer to baby girl was "yes" and we both had immense peace about it.
Eleanor was born on December 26th and is just precious!! We love her so. The 3 big kids are smitten and I can't imagine our family without our little (almost) twinsies!
There are sooo many more details that I could share about our journey -- but God's hand was apparent alllll over this. He orchestrated it all in ways that only He can. We never would have imagined adopting two babies born exactly two weeks apart, but God knew all along. We are so grateful for every single one of you who has supported us in prayer, in finances, and in loving on our family as we have endured the high highs and low lows of our adoption journey.
We are officially matched! Praise the Lord! Baby boy is due early January and we are SO eager to meet him! Please pray for a healthy mama and baby during the rest of her pregnancy & during delivery. There are so many details to work out between now and then, but we know that God already knows all of the answers and will go before us to show us the way. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and prayers as our family continues on our adoption journey. We are so grateful for each of you.