Patrick & Nicole Hagen

are adopting a child from United States of America

Less than two years ago Patrick and I had one of the most important phone calls of our lives.⁣⁣

After the call ended we received a message that said, “Both mom and dad feel terrific about the adoption match and want to move forward.”

Since that moment our lives have been filled will more joy, more love, more happiness (and yes, more chaos) than we ever thought possible.

So much so that not long ago we found ourselves on another life-altering phone call and decided to say yes to this adventure AGAIN!

We are beyond excited to welcome Cole’s sibling (by genetics and by adoption) into our lives and our hearts later this year.

We’ve seen, first-hand, the beauty of open adoption (although we are not ignorant to the trauma that is adoption and how it impacts everyone) and are prepared to move mountains to support this tiny little human and their birth parents.

Whether you believe in prayer, positive thoughts, good vibes, or healing energy, please send it all to everyone involved, and if you’re in a position to do so, we would greatly appreciate your financial support as we raise funds to cover some of our adoption-related expenses. ⁣⁣ We hope that by inviting you into this process you will consider yourself as a part of the loving community we hope to build around our children as they grow up together.

Adoption Status



  • Update 1

    Baby's Due Date

    May 1, 2024

    Friends and Family,

    We have just heard that baby is expected to arrive in November and we couldn't be more excited to welcome this tiny new human into the world alongside of birth parents, Winter and Dan.

    Let the countdown begin!

$0 raised of $22,000 goal
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