Dear Friends and Family, Although many might think we&'re crazy for jumping back into adoption so soon after bringing Jude home, we still have a heart for adoption and feel God is calling us to add to our family once again through the blessing of adoption. This time, however, we are being called to China. We have a specific nine year old girl we are matched with and can&'t wait to bring her home. We have named her Gilia Hope because Gilia means "the joy of the Lord." We have already seen God open doors, answer prayers and cut through red tape to help us get our Gilly home. And we trust He will provide the financial means for us to bring her home as well. Adoption is part of the Great Commission and part of spreading the gospel. And as such we hope that if you yourself may not be called to adopt that you would consider being part of this ministry in some way, whether helping financially, prayerfully, or offering respite to families in need. James 1: 27 says, "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." In the interest of consolidating tax deductible donations, we have established an account with Adopt Together. If you feel led to give anything towards our adoption expenses then we humbly thank you and pray that God will bless you for your gift. Whether or not you can assist financially, we covet your prayers above all else! God bless, Joshua, Lori, Sia, Jude & Gilly