Chad and Stephanie James

are adopting a child from South Africa

Family and friends,

We have exciting news to share with you! Stephanie and I have partnered with All God's Children International to adopt a child from South Africa. Adoption has been on our hearts since before we met in 2009 and we can't believe the time has finally come. God has been so good!

We have started the adoption process and much like our childbirths, we don't know if we will bring home another momma's boy or daddy's princess. Many have heard that adoption-related expenses can be pretty hefty; from agency fees and travel, to the home study and educational requirements. We are hoping to raise $35,000 to help bring this child to Colorado. Part of the South African program is traveling to the country for 6-14 weeks to bring our child home. This alone will be a leap of faith financially and logistically.

Our prayer is that this platform will encourage you be a part of our tribe and be a part of this child's life before God shows us His miracle. More than fundraising efforts, we ask for your prayers for this child that will become a part of our family. We will need courage, endurance, wise counsel, favor throughout the process, and boldness. Please include our three children in your prayers as well as this will shift our entire family dynamic and our children will need to rise up in ways we didn't even know were necessary.

There is a bible verse from Jeremiah on Presley's wall that says, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I set you apart." We do not yet know the age of the child we will bring home, but we pray that the James family was God's plan for this child before He formed this child in the womb.

Psalm 82 says, "Defend the weak and the fatherless, uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed."

We are thankful to walk this journey with you behind us; praying, encouraging, and uplifting the entire way.

  • The James Crew

Adoption Status

Waiting To Be Matched

Adoption Agency

All God's Children International


This family has not posted an update yet. Donate to receive updates by email.
$19,999 raised of $35,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Matching Donors

  • Fortener Family ! matched $500
  • Chuck and Anne Fortener matched $1,000
  • Bill & Rita James matched $500
  • Chip and Nikki matched $500

Donations 30

  • Mike Holweger gave $100
    Hi Chad and Stephanie- Best of luck with this process! Keep crushing life--you guys are awesome. The Holwegers
  • Jill Hurto gave $100
    Can’t wait to meet the newest member of your family! Praying for guidance, clarity, patience, and an abundance of love felt by you and your future child!
  • Scott James and Sonya Ahola gave $500
    Really happy for you guys!
  • Lamb Family gave $100
  • Erika Miller gave $300
    We couldn’t be more excited for you guys and will continue to pray for your journey!!!
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
    Praying for the amazing addition to your family!!! P
  • Kevin & Andrea Hudson gave $500
    Andrea and I are so happy for you guys. Praying for the process to go smoothly.
  • The Busters gave $1,500
    What a lucky human that will get to join the James family. We're honored to be a part of your supporting cast.

    Matched by Chuck and Anne Fortener and Chip and Nikki

  • Gary & Kathy Bockhold gave $500
    We are so happy for you!

    Matched by Fortener Family !, Chuck and Anne Fortener, and Bill & Rita James

  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount

    Matched by Fortener Family ! and Chuck and Anne Fortener