Andrew & Anna Johnson

are adopting a child from United States of America

We are pursuing an independent interstate adoption of a baby boy who will arrive this fall. As a part of our adoption process, we are raising funds to assist in the costs that come with adoption. We are raising funds for the costs of two attorneys. Because this is an interstate adoption, we will have to hire representation in both states. We are also preparing for travel and accommodations while we wait for the Interstate Contract for Placement of Children (ICPC) to be completed before we can travel home with him. Accommodations for housing for an unknown amount of time is also a big expense.

We have been married for almost 11 years and have an 8 year-old daughter. We have desired to add to our family through adoption for as long as we have been together, but this spring, the Lord made it abundantly clear that now was the time. Our daughter is excited to be a big sister and we can't wait to meet this little person.

We have claimed Jeremiah 1:5 for our little one, where the Lord speaks and says, "I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born." We believe that the Lord has big plans for this little baby, and we are excited to see how we get to be apart of it. We are grateful for the community that surrounds our family as we take steps to grow our family. Thank you for playing a part in his adoption story. Please pray with us during our journey to bring him home!

Adoption Status

Homestudy Completed

Adoption Agency

Private Adoption


  • Update 3

    Baby Registry

    September 19, 2024

    Many have asked for us to share our baby registry, so I am adding the link to our Baby List here. Both of our registries are accessible through Baby List.

    Thank you to everyone who wants to love our family while we prepare for our little one!

  • Update 2

    Adoption Update 9/12- We are Home Study APPROVED!!

    September 12, 2024

    The past month was a complete whirlwind! On August 10 (and 11th) we had an unbelievably large yard sale to help fund the adoption. Our community was so generous and we raised a large sum that we were able to put directly toward our adoption costs. We also had both of our home study visits in August. We are happy to report that we are now the recipients of an approved home study!
    Baby Gumball is continuing to grow and is almost at 30 weeks gestation. We cannot believe that our little man will join our family in just a couple of months! Our expectant mother is amazing and we are so grateful for her.
    We are still fundraising! We will still likely have some attorney fees, even though we are "current" at this time, and we are also preparing to fund our extended stay in the baby's birth state. Due to the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC), once he arrives, one of us will have to remain with him there until approval to return to South Carolina. I (Anna) will likely stay and Andrew and our daughter will return to South Carolina Monday through Fridays come for visits on the weekends. We have reserved an extended stay, but we are prayerful that the time out of state is not as long as expected so that we are able to be together at home as soon as possible!

  • Update 1

    Adoption Update 8/2

    August 2, 2024

    Thank you so so much for being on this journey with us! We are so grateful for the support of our friends and family as we pursue adoption to grow our family!

    The past two weeks have been especially productive for all things adoption. We are waiting for about 4 documents to be returned to us from the state and we will be able to schedule the first of our home study visits. (Home study + Background Checks and Fees- $1150)

    We have retained representation here in SC and will be retaining an attorney in GA next week. ($8500 total upfront)

    We are still working on fundraising to help with these costs. Our shirt fundraiser ends tomorrow (8/3) and our yard sale is next weekend. We are so grateful for everyone who has already contributed. The links are below for shirts as well as the tax deductible link for donations through “adopt together”.

    We love this little man so much already and can’t wait to bring him home!

    Fundraising Website:


$3,575 raised of $20,000 goal
Two ways to give
Match Donations to this Family

Donations 15

  • Mary Watkins gave $325
  • Anonymous gave $30
    Praying for you in the journey, so happy for you! - Jacob and Jessie Litton
  • Kate Jaco gave an undisclosed amount
    We are so excited for your family! Baby Gumball is already so loved and prayed for.
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
    ❤️ we love you, the Johnson Family!
  • Rosemarie Green gave $100
  • Dana Bowers gave $50
    Love you guys. So happy for you 🙏❤️
  • Anonymous gave an undisclosed amount
  • Sandra Reeder gave $50
  • Lauren Fennell gave an undisclosed amount